You can contact YeboTech for support by one of the following methods:
Sync Station Trouble-Shooting
If you are having problems, the following instructions should sort them out.
Make sure Sync Station is working
First unplug the sync station for a few seconds and plug it back in.
The display is dark.
The sync station is not getting power. Try another USB port.
If you are using a USB hub, check the USB hub is getting power or try plugging directly into the computer`s USB port.
Try plugging into another computer. If none of this works then the sync station is dead;
contact YeboTech to get another one.
The display lights up and displays \"Please run sync station service.\"
You should get this message on any computer
that either does not have the sync station controller installed and running. It means the sync station hardware is working
properly; proceed to Check sync station controller is running.
The display lights up and displays \"Pass key: <Code>'
Here <Code> is a 6-character code.
This means your sync station is not registered on the web site; proceed to
Register the sync station.
The display lights up and a message with \"fault\" in it is displayed.
This means a hardware fault has been detected.
Please note the message and
contact YeboTech for a repair.
The display lights up and the message \"Ready\" is displayed.
This means everything checks out and the sync station is able to talk to the web site and is properly registered.
Imply insert a key to perform a sync.
Some other message is displayed.
This means the sync station controller is running and is managing the sync station.
Proceed to Diagnose any problems.
Check the sync station controller is running
The sync station controller is some software that must be run in the background for the sync station to be able to communicate with YeboTech`s service.
Make sure that it is running properly.
First look in the service task tray at the bottom right of your screen. It should contain an icon that looks like one of these:
If you are running Windows 7 you may have to click a small "up" arrow to view all of the task tray items;
you can drag the sync station icon to the main display area if you wish.
I don`t see any service status icon.
The controller service is probably not running.
To make absolutely sure you can check in the task manager;
click CTRL SHIFT ESC to open the task manager, click the \"Processes\" tab, and look for \"YSSController.exe\" in the list of tasks.
If it is not there, the controller is not running. Go to Start the sync station controller.
The icon looks like this:
This means a fault has been detected on the sync station.
Hover your mouse over the icon to get a more detailed message describing the problem.
Right-click the icon select \"Open log...\" to open the log file, which may contain technical information useful to support.
Try right-clicking the icon and select \"Exit\" to close the controller, and then re-start it (see first item above).
The icon looks like this:
This means no sync station has been detected.
If the sync station display is lighting up, try re-starting the sync station controller as above.
Make sure only one copy of YSSController.exe is running (use the task manager as describe in the first item above).
The icon looks like this:
This means a sync station is attached and ready. The sync station should be displaying \"Ready\" on the display.
Start or install the sync station controller
The sync station controller should be started automatically when you log in.
To start it manually, click the Windows \"Start\" menu and access All Applications, Yebo Tech, Sync Station Controller, YSSController.
To make sure the sync station controller starts when you log in, a link to YSSController should be in All Applications, Startup.
I can`t find the \"Yebo Tech\" / \"Sync Station Controller\" menu item.
The sync station software is not installed. Go to the YeboManager help page
and download the latest sync station controller software.
When prompted, ask to install the software and just click \"next\" until the software is installed.
Upon completion of the installation, you should find the sync station controller software is running;
Check the sync station controller is running to verify.
The sync station controller is not running when I log in.
Someone must have deleted YSSController as a start-up application.
Click the Windows Start menu, All Programs, and right-click the \"Startup\" folder and access \"Explore\" to open the menu folder.
Then access All Programs, Yebo Tech, Sync Station Controller;
then press the right mouse button on \"YSSController\" and drag into the Startup folder you have just opened.
Release the right mouse button in the destination folder and select \"Create shortcut here\" when prompted.
You should now see \"YSSController\" in your startup menu YSSController will be started when you next log in.
I dont know what the problem is.
Try re-installing YSSController. Click the \"Start\" menu, access Control Panel, and then \"Uninstall a Program\".
Find YSSController and un-install. Then proceed as described in the first point above.
Diagnose any problems
If the display of the sync station is lighting up and the sync station controller software is running and recognizing the sync station,
then a message may be displayed on the sync station describing some kind of a problem. The most common messages are:
'Pass key: <Code>'.
Here <Code> is a 6-character code.
This means your sync station is not registered on the web site;
Proceed to
register the sync station.
'Server unreachable'.
This indicates some kind of a network problem. Check you can access the YeboTech server by opening a browser and typing in the address
If you can not reach the server then check you WiFi, ADSL or corporate Internet is working.
'Registration failure'.
This means that the sync station could reach the YeboManager server, but there was some kind of a problem verifying the registration.
Possibly there was a momentary down-time;
right-click the sync station icon and access \"Check registration\", and see if the problem clears.
If the problem persists for longer than a few minutes, please
contact YeboTech for advice.
'Fault: contact support'.
This means a hardware fault has been detected on the sync station. Please contact YeboTech
for support.
'Device locked'.
This means your sync station is locked to another account.
Nobody who has not pinched a sync station should get this error,
but if you do you will have to ask the original owner of the sync station to remove it from their account.
To get further information about an error condition, hover the mouse cursor over the sync station icon to get a more lengthy message.
Right-click the icon and access \"Open log...\" to open up the sync station controller log file, which may contain additional information.
Register the sync station
When a sync station is first installed you have to register it on your account,
so that the system knows that all keys inserted into that station belong to your account.
An un-registered sync station will display the message like \"Pass key: WX3F6T\".
The code \"WX3F6T\" here is just an example of a random six-character alphanumeric code that is generated by an un-registered sync station,
and the code displayed by your sync station will be different. Note down this code and then do the following:
Open a browser and connect to
Log in to your account, and access \"Sync Stations\" from the main menu.
Type in the pass key displayed on the sync station.
Note that no vowels or small letters will ever be used, so something that looks like \"1\" will always be the numeral one,
and something that looks like \"0\" will always be the numeral zero. Make sure you do not confuse \"5\" and \"S\".
Once you have entered the code and clicked \"Submit\", right-click the sync station icon and select \"Check registration\".
The sync station icon should turn green and the sync station should display the message \"Ready\".
This means the sync station has been issued with a permanent registration code and can securely communicate with the web site.
Note that each time you plug in an unregistered sync station it will generate a new code.
To successfully register a new sync station, you must not unplug the sync station before entering the code into the web site and getting the
sync station to register.
Note that an unregistered sync station periodically checks with the website to see if it has been registered, so it is
possible that after entering the registration code on the web site the sync station will spontanously display \"Ready\".